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Tiny Tank - PS1

Tiny Tank - PS1

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* Disc Plus includes the disc, case, and cover art; may not include instruction manual, DLC codes, or other inserts. *

Tiny Tank is a quirky third-person shooter game released for the Sony PlayStation 1. In this action-packed adventure, players control a sentient mini-tank named Tiny, who is armed with a wisecracking personality and an arsenal of weapons. With its cartoonish graphics and humorous tone, players navigate through various levels battling enemy robots and overcoming obstacles. Tiny Tank combines elements of exploration, combat, and platforming, making it a unique addition to the shooter genre. The game is known for its inventive level design, challenging gameplay, and engaging player-tank interactions.

More Info

Platform: Sony PS1 Playstation 1
Release Date: August 31, 1999
Genre: Third Person Shooter
ESRB Rating: E Mild Animated Violence
Composer: Frank Fitzpatrick and Barry Blum
Developer: AndNow
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Gameplay Mechanics: Third-person shooter, Action
Visual Style: 3D, Cartoonish
Controller: standard
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: No
Local Multiplayer: undefined Players
Online Multiplayer: undefined Players

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